Types in <cstdint> Header

These are the types defined in <cstdint> header mentioned below: 

  • int8_t: a signed 8-bit integer
  • uint8_t: an unsigned 8-bit integer
  • int16_t: a signed 16-bit integer
  • uint16_t: an unsigned 16-bit integer
  • int32_t: a signed 32-bit integer
  • uint32_t: an unsigned 32-bit integer
  • int64_t: a signed 64-bit integer
  • uint64_t: an unsigned 64-bit integer

C++ 11 – Header

<cstdint> header in C++ ensures the portability of integer types with specialized width and signedness across various systems. The absence of standardization for integer types caused issues in coding and constructing portable programs before the advent of. In this article, we will explore the header and its application in C++11.

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